Dear Members,
I write to you today to provide you with an update regarding the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic in relation to community football and more specifically the Moonee Valley Football Club.
You will no doubt be aware of the recent announcement from AFL Victoria regarding their advice around returning to training following the easing of restrictions by the Victorian Government.
The full detail of AFL Victoria’s return to training protocols are yet to be released but in summary they will enable:
- Training to resume in groups of 10 people (not including a coach or the minimum number of support staff required to manage the activity); and
- Two groups of 10 can utilise the same oval provided they do not operate closely together, and the oval is split into two zones.
While AFL Victoria have endorsed a resumption date of Monday, 25 May 2020 for community football training, we still require additional information and advice from the Moonee Valley City Council before our club is in a position to begin training again.
The committee has been meeting regularly over the past two months and our priorities have remained consistent as we try to navigate the effects of this pandemic:
1. The health and safety of our players, coaches and supporters is paramount and will not be compromised; and
2. We must protect the financial integrity of the club not only this year but into the future.
As we await clear advice from the Council on when we can access the Ormond Park facilities, the club is also developing plans on how to provide a healthy and safe training environment for each of our 22 teams.
We are hoping to be in a position later this week to communicate further on a return to training and we thank you for your patience as we navigate the many complexities associated with COVID-19.
We are also in regular contact with the EDFL concerning the 2020 season and we will share any information with you as it comes to hand.
All updates will be posted on the club website (, Team App and our social media channels so please be sure to check these platforms regularly.
It is important that we all continue to follow the government health and social distancing guidelines as this is the best thing we can do individually and as a club.
On behalf of the committee I would like to extend my sincere thanks to all our members, players, coaches, staff, sponsors and supporters for their continued support of the Club and should you have any queries or concerns please don’t hesitate to get in touch.
Kind regards,
Jason Hellwig
Moonee Valley Football Club President