MVFC COVID-19 Update - Return to Training

May 29, 2020

Dear All,

I write to you today to provide an update regarding a return to training at Moonee Valley Football Club.

Since the release of AFL Victoria’s return to training protocols for 10 people, the Committee has been meeting regularly to determine how best we implement these measures and provide a safe and hygienic training environment for our players and coaches.

Adhering to and implementing these protocols takes thorough planning and we thank you for your patience thus far as we navigate this ‘new normal’.

You will also be aware the State Government announced that from 1 June outdoor gatherings will be permitted to increase to 20 people.

We have requested advice from the Moonee Valley City Council if this will automatically apply to community football training and they have advised that they are working through this but at present the 10-person rule remains in place.

As such, it has been determined by the Committee that the best decision for our Club is to return to training once 20 person groups are permitted.

Once we have locked in dates and times for each of our 22 teams, we will communicate this with you all along with the protocols each player must strictly abide by.

All senior and junior coaches have been briefed of the protocols and we will have a COVID Officer present at every training session.

I would like remind members of this club that a return to training does not guarantee a return to match play in 2020. AFL Vic and the EDFL continue to work through options for a season in 2020 and we will communicate any updates as they come to light.

I would also like to stress that returning to training is 100% optional and players should not feel obliged to train should they not wish to do so. The same applies for junior parents and the decisions they make for their children participating in training.

All updates will be posted on the club website (, Team App and our social media channels so please be sure to check these platforms regularly.

It is important that we all continue to follow the government health and social distancing guidelines as this is the best thing we can do individually and as a club.

On behalf of the committee I would like to extend my sincere thanks to all our members, players, coaches, staff, sponsors and supporters for their continued support of the Club and should you have any queries or concerns please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Kind regards,

Jason Hellwig

Moonee Valley Football Club President

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