Dear Coaches and Players,
We are pleased to confirm that training in groups of 20 will resume next week from Tuesday, 9 June.
In order to adhere to AFL Victoria’s Return to Training Guidelines we have had to make adjustments to training days and times which are outlined below.
This schedule is only temporary and will be reviewed as restrictions on group numbers continue to ease.
On behalf of the Club, I would again like to thank you for your patience and understanding as the Committee navigates the changes and challenges associated with COVID-19.
Our priority from the outset of the pandemic has been to provide a healthy and hygienic environment and thanks to thorough planning we believe we can now provide this at training for our players and coaches.
As previously communicated, we will have a dedicated COVID Safety Officer at every training who will be making sure that the strict protocols are adhered to.
Every player will also be required to fill out a log before commencing each session so we can keep track of who attends. Please note that there will be no access to communal change rooms so arrive at training dressed and ready.
All coaches have been briefed of the protocols and have also completed the Australian Government COVID-19 Infection Control Training.
I would also like to stress that training is not compulsory so you should not feel obliged to attend if you don’t wish to do so. All sessions will be non-contact and all participants must strictly observe social distancing requirements of 1.5m.
Individual coaches will be in touch with their respective teams so please look out for further updates and information from them regarding next week’s training session.
I encourage everyone to familiarise yourself with the following documents before coming to training next week so you are aware of what to expect and the guidelines you must follow to keep everyone safe and healthy.
CLICK HERE for updated Return to Small Outdoor Group Training Protocols
CLICK HERE for updated Return to Small Outdoor Group Training Checklist
CLICK HERE for Returning to training Information for Parents
CLICK HERE for more information from AFL Victoria including FAQs
Lastly in regard to a potential season in 2020, we are hoping to have a decision from the EDFL by the end of the month so we will be sure to communicate an update to you all thereafter.
Kind regards,
Jason Hellwig,
MVFC President